Letters & Testimony

A lot of the work we do doesn't result in a lawsuit or other formal measure.

For example, we receive a complaint from a concerned parent of a public school student, and we are able to resolve the issue with a formal letter to the school district. Another example, the RI Board of Elections proposes a new rule or regulation that may violate the U.S. Constitution, then reconsiders upon hearing our testimony on their proposal. Our "behind the scenes" work may not make it on the evening news or into your twitter feed, but these efforts are absolutely critical to protecting the rights of all in the Ocean State.

Filter Publications

LETTER Re: Glocester School District Restricting Book Access

This letter was sent to the Superintendent of the Glocester School District, urging her to rescind directives that she issued to the Fogarty Memorial School’s librarians to allow students to check out only “age appropriate” books. We argued this would encourage censorship efforts.

February 3, 2025 First Amendment

LETTER Re: South Kingstown Sign Ordinance

This letter was sent to the South Kingstown Town Council regarding an unconstitutional ordinance prohibiting political signage to be displayed more than 60 days before an election or 120 days total in a year — an ordinance which we already contacted them about two years ago.

November 18, 2024 First Amendment